Tag Archives: attorney general

Loretta Lynch as our Attorney-General

Not only will Lynch, if confirmed, bring with her years of invaluable experience and knowledge, but she will be the first black woman to hold the position of Attorney-General.

There are still some that criticize Loretta Lynch. Breitbart News, for instance, made an attempt at negatively portraying her. They criticized her for representing the Clintons during Whitewater, but there was a small issue — they were attacking the wrong Loretta Lynch.

Lynch does seem to have bipartisan support for the most part, though. She has no personal ties to President Obama, and with the GOP takeover that we saw on Tuesday, this will be a huge help in her getting accepted by Congress. Another asset that she has is how non-partisan her actions are and how willing she is to work across party lines rather than with party lines. A press release from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) stated that Lynch “has long experience of cases of public corruption, organized crime, and violent crime. She is also an experienced trial advocacy trainer and has participated in trial advocacy training programs at ICTR on several occasions.”

Such a fair, experienced woman is precisely what our country needs to show that effective bipartisan leadership is possible, and also to help integrate women and minorities into the highest ranks of the government.